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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Menghidupkan Komputer Sesuai Prosedur

Untuk menghidupkan komputer sesuai prosedur kita harus mengerti cara-cara menghidupkan komputer (booting)

Booting komputer ada 2 jenis yaitu :

1. Warm booting (booting hangat)
yaitu mengoprasikan komputer dari keadaan hidup kemudian dioperasikan lagi, proses ini dilakukan apabila komputer mengalami error (hank). Sehingga perlu diulangi lagi proses pengoprasiannya. Warm booting dilakukan dengan menekan tombol reset yang ada pada CPU.

2. Cold booting (booting dingin)
yaitu mengoprasikan komputer dari keadaan mati kemudian dihidupkan , cold booting ini dilakukan dengan menekan tombol reset yang ada pada CPU.

Turn On The Computer According to The Procedure

To turn on the computer according to the procedures we have to understand the ways turn on your computer (booting)

Booting a computer there are 2 types:
1. Warm booting (warm booting)
    which operate the computer from alive then operated again, this process is
    done if the computer has an error (hank). So the process needs to be
    repeated operations. Warm booting is done by pressing the reset button on
    the CPU.
2. Cold booting (cold boot)
    which operate the computer from being dead and then turned on, cold
    booting is done by pressing the reset button on the CPU. 

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