Pengertian Negara Maju dan Negara Berkembang
Negara Maju
maju adalah negara yang memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi
cepat, sehingga
sudah berhasil dalam pembangunan mencapai
kesejahteraan hidup yang merata bagi
masyarakatnya, mengutamakan
sektor industri dan jasa sebagai tiang
Negara Berkembang
berkembang adalah negara dengan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi
relativ lambat,
sehingga sedang giat-giatnya melaksanakan pembangunan
untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup masyarakatnya, masih
mendasarkan tiang perekonomian pada sektor pertanian.
Ciri-ciri Negara Maju dan Negara Berkembang
Negara Maju :
Negara yang penduduknya tidak terlalu banyak
Dapat berdiri sendiri tanpa bantuan negara lain
Jumlah pengangguran sedikit
Banyaknya lapangan kerja yang tersedia
Negara yang dapat memproduksi industri berat sendiri
Negara yang pendapatan per kapitanya tinggi
Negara Investasi ( Negara yang menanamkan modalnya di negara lain )
Negara Berkembang :
Negara yang penduduknya banyak
Tidak dapat berdiri sendiri ( membutuhkan bantuan dari negara lain )
Jumlah pengangguran banyak
Sedikitnya lapangan keraja yang tersedia
Negara yang tidak dapat memproduksi industri berat sendiri
Negara yang pendapatan per kapitanya rendah
Negara yang memerlukan modal dari negara lain
1. Developed Country
Developed country is country that have high levels of economic growth fast,
so it's been successful in achieving development equitable standard of
living for its people, giving priority industrial and service sectors as the
economy pole
2. Developing Country
Developing country is country with high economic growth relativ slower, so
it is still under heavy development activity to improve the lives of people,
still pole basing the economy on agriculture.
B. The characteristics of Developed Countries and Developing Countries
1. Developed Countries:
a. Countries whose inhabitants are not too many
b. Can stand alone without help of other countries
c. The number of unemployed little
d. Many jobs available
e. Countries that can produce its own heavy industry
f. Country that per capita income higher
g. Country Investments (country who invest on another country)
2. Developing Countries:
a. Countries with populations many
b. Can not stand alone (needs help from other countries)
c. The number of unemployed much
d. Little jobs available
e. Countries that can not produce its own heavy industry
f. Country that per capita income low
g. Country that need capital from other country
Developed Country and Developing Country
A. Definition of Developed Countries and Developing Countries
A. Definition of Developed Countries and Developing Countries
1. Developed Country
Developed country is country that have high levels of economic growth fast,
so it's been successful in achieving development equitable standard of
living for its people, giving priority industrial and service sectors as the
economy pole
2. Developing Country
Developing country is country with high economic growth relativ slower, so
it is still under heavy development activity to improve the lives of people,
still pole basing the economy on agriculture.
B. The characteristics of Developed Countries and Developing Countries
1. Developed Countries:
a. Countries whose inhabitants are not too many
b. Can stand alone without help of other countries
c. The number of unemployed little
d. Many jobs available
e. Countries that can produce its own heavy industry
f. Country that per capita income higher
g. Country Investments (country who invest on another country)
2. Developing Countries:
a. Countries with populations many
b. Can not stand alone (needs help from other countries)
c. The number of unemployed much
d. Little jobs available
e. Countries that can not produce its own heavy industry
f. Country that per capita income low
g. Country that need capital from other country
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